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When wearing all Beads together can help get rid negative energy, so there's only positive energy to be delivered to the wearer. 


Shungite also known as, "The Miracle Stone"; is mainly found in the Karelia Region of Northwestern Russia. Shungite contains “Fullerenes” which is high in anti-oxidants and a Carbon Heavy Mineral. Shungita is claimed to contain healing power with the ability to stabilize, heal, and promote growth in all living organisms, and shield harmful EMF Pollution. (Electro Magnetic Field)


Hematite "a stone for the mind", is also minded in Russia. It is known to help keep focused, concentrate better and improve help memory. They say that it can help connect the physical nervous system and the ethereal nervous system. It can also help transform negative to positive vibrations, and also great to wear to stay grounded.


This Healing Bracelet is made with Big 8mm Shungite Beads and Small 4mm Hematite Beads.

We have handmade these bracelets with a doubled stretch cord. We suggest that you "roll on and off" the bracelet to keep it from stretching out too far.



  • As Shungite is a natural material that has a high carbon content, some black residue may come off onto your hands when being handled and worn. Shungite is a carbon based material, it is normal, and there is nothing to worry about. Just use a mild soap and wash it off. 

Shungite Hematite Braclet


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