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ProOne® Water Filters & Systems

Q: Do these filters contain carbon?
A: Yes. However they will not shed any carbon residue, for those allergic or reactive to carbon filters.
The new ProOne® G2.0 “ALL-IN-ONE” CONTAMINANT & FLUORIDE GRAVITY WATER FILTER combines silver infused white ceramic with ProSorb
granular activated carbon based media. Click image to zoom.




Q: Can I put softened water into my ProOne system?
A: Only if it is saltless or you maintain cleaning of your filter. It is not recommended to run your water through a salt-based softener BEFORE putting into a filter or system. Salts from the softener may clog up the filter over a period of time. If you maintain cleaning, you should be ok.

Q: Do your ProOne filters fit in my Berkey system?
A: YES! 

ALL ProOne® G2.0 & Slimline/Prepper filters fit into any Berkey gravity (drip) system. The holes are the same size. They do not require the second filter that Berkey's filters do for fluoride filtration. ProOne® G2.0s filter more contaminants than Berkey. And ProOne® G2.0 are cheaper than Berkey! Win-Win for you!













Q: How many contaminants do all ProOne® systems filter out of water?
A: 220+ contaminants, including chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals, chemicals, micro-plastics, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, emerging toxins from ground and air pollution and much more! That is still more than Berkey ever has filtered!
Please see the Science ProOne Lab Reports section for detailed PDF documents on each specific filter lab test.

Q: What do the filter sizes 5", 7", 9" mean?

A: These are the physical height dimensions of the respective Pro G2.0 filters that are used in the gravity gripper series. There are no filtration differences other than flow rates (speed of filtering). The Scout II (black) fits the 5" prepper filter. The Traveler+(silver) and can fit 5"and 7". Big+ (silver) and Big II (blue) can fit all sizes including 9".
All Berkey systems can fit all ProOne G2.0 filters, and do a better filtering job than Berkey's filters! 


Q: How long does it take for my gravity fed system to filter the water?

A: ProOne® systems are gravity fed and therefore water will migrate through the filter elements and drip-drip-drip into the lower water storage container. The first cycle of water generally takes longer but the flow rate will increase with use.














*Based on single filter.

Your flow rate may vary depending on filter configuration and water source.

Note- it is normal to see some water left in the upper container.


Q: How do I know when to change my filters?

A: Should you notice a difference in the taste of your water and/or a slow down in the flow rate, may be an indication your filter(s) need to be cleaned or if you’ve cleaned a few times, may indicate your filters need to be replaced.




























*May vary depending on use and water source


Q: Is there a comparison chart for all of your ProOne® GRAVITY SYSTEM products?

A: YES! Click this image for a larger pop-up:


































Cleaning &




Q: What should I do if I use a water softener?

A: We recommend you source your water before it goes through the water softener.


Q: How often should I clean my filter(s) and system?

A: We recommend you clean your entire system every 2-3 months. If your water has a high mineral content, we suggest cleaning more often.


Q: How do I clean my filter(s)?

A: Remove your filter(s) from the container. Hold the filter(s) under

cool running water for approx. 2 minutes. While doing this use the

dark green side of the scrubby sponge included with your system.

Scrub the entire white surface. Rinse well and reinstall.

Do NOT use soap on the filter. Do NOT allow water to enter the stem.






Q: How can I check to make sure my filters are working correctly?

A: You may run the “blue food coloring test” at any time to ensure your filters are functioning properly. To initiate this test, you’ll just need blue food coloring available at most grocery stores. First empty any water from the upper and lower containers. Place a glass under the stem of each water filter element in the lower container. Place the upper container on top of the lower container and fill the upper container. For the water pitcher, Scout and Traveler systems, place 1 drop of blue food coloring and stir. For the Nomad, Big, and King systems place 2 drops of blue food coloring and stir. Use liquid BLUE food coloring ONLY (NOT GEL). After a short period of time, check the glasses in the lower container. If the water in the glass(es) is either clear or slightly tinted, your filter(s) are functioning properly. If you see a definite blue tint color water in either glass or both, that is an indication that one or both filters may need to be replaced. You may notice some blue tint coloring on the ProOne™G2.0 filters after performing the test. This is OK. Coloring should go away after a period of time or you may try cleaning the filters.


Q: What do I do if a filter fails the blue dye test?

A: Make sure the placement of your washer is correct. Try tightening the wing nut on the filter. Also, check to make sure plugs are firmly seated. They may need to be replaced. If none of these solutions help, please call our customer service center.


Q: How should I store my filters?

A: If NOT using your ProOne™ system for any period of time, we suggest you remove the lid, drain any water that is left in the lower container and remove the filter elements from your system and allow to air dry. Wrap your filter elements in a terrycloth towel and store in a dry and cool place. Do not put the filters in a plastic bag or any enclosed container. Do not allow wet water filter elements to freeze. Do not place water filter elements in a dishwasher or microwave oven. When you restart your system, simply discard the first supply of water from the lower container.


Q: How long can I store water in the lower container?

A: We recommend you cycle water from the bottom container on a regular basis. Should you need to store water, please store water in an appropriate water storage container.


Q: How do I know how much water is in the lower container?

A: You can either lift the upper container to see the water level or use a sight glass spigot which shows the water level in the lower container. Please remember you must use water from the bottom container before refilling the upper container.


Q: Why is water leaking between the upper and lower containers?

A: This occurs only when you have filled the upper container with water still left in the lower container.


Q: Why is my spigot leaking?

A: Check the placement of the washers and nut. Try to tighten the nut. If leaking directly from the spout, tighten the screw on top of the spigot handle.


Q: How do I clean my stainless steel?

A: You may clean the system using a 50-50% solution of white vinegar and water. Use a sponge or soft cloth. Rinse well and let air dry.


Q: Will my filter affect TDS?

Context: From Wikipedia-

“A TDS Meter indicates the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) of a solution, i.e. the concentration of dissolved solids in it. Since dissolved ionized solids such as salts and minerals increase the conductivity of a solution, a TDS meter measures the conductivity of the solution and estimates the TDS from that. A TDS meter typically displays the TDS in parts per million (ppm). For example, a TDS reading of 1 ppm would indicate there is 1 milligram of dissolved solids in each kilogram of water.”

A: TDS is a measure of total dissolved solids and NOT dissolved contaminants. A higher TDS can simply be high calcium or mineral content. As ProOne™ filters are made from minerals, TDS may be higher after the water has been treated. This does not mean the filter isn’t working, it means the TDS meter is picking up the minerals that are naturally released by the filter. A PPM meter is the same as a TDS meter, it is simply measures dissolved solids in water. A TDS meter is not generally recognized in the industry as a proper means of testing water for contaminants. They were created years ago by the manufacturers of reverse osmosis systems as a means of demonstrating the effectiveness of RO which removes most if not all.


Q: Do the ProOne G2.0 filters contain colloidal silver?
A: The ProOne G2.0 filter does not contain colloidal silver; however, we use a special silver powder infused in the ceramic to help prevent the growth of bacteria.


Q: My shower filter is leaking from the center of the housing. How do I fix this?

A: To stop leaking, remove the shower filter from the shower arm and unscrew the housing. Then, remove the O-ring from housing. Take a small amount of petroleum jelly or Vaseline. Run this onto the surface of the o-ring. Reinstall, making sure the o-ring fits flush with the groove on the housing piece.


Inline Connect FS10

Q: How do I install the Inline FS10 unit?

A: Please see our installation section HERE.


Countertop & Under Counter

Q: What are the differences between countertop and under counter units?

A: There is no difference in filtration itself between under and on top of counter units. However, the designs are made to rest on top of a countertop OR underneath your counter, if you wish to have the units hidden.

Q: When do I need the dual vs. single countertop or under counter?

A: When you have very dirty source of water, such as from well or old pipes. The pre-sediment filter is Stage 1. Stage 2 is the All-in-One filter that comes with the Single filter system.


Home Filter System

Q: Does the home system filter the same contaminants as other units?

A: YES. The same 220+ contaminants including fluoride! See the PDF file for details.




Q: How small does the ElectroCharged Sub-micron filter?

A: 5 microns. This is smaller than most standard 6-micron filters on the market.


Q: Do you have a filter comparison chart for Reverse Osmosis (RO), Ultraviolet (UV) & bottled water?

A: Yes, see our chart:



























Q: Do you have installation instructions for my plumber?
A: Yes, please see our installation section HERE.





Home Salt-less Water Conditioner

Q: What if I have hard water?

A: Hard water is water which contains a high mineral content consisting of dissolved compounds of mostly calcium and magnesium. Hard water, or hardness, typically prevents soap from lathering and can cause a buildup of scale in pipes and water outlet appliances and fixtures such as water heaters, washing machines and dishwashers and effect their  performance. Other examples of scale include a white cloudy coating often found on the surface of dishes and glassware.


Q: Why do I need a softener/conditioner?

A: Protect your home’s plumbing from the adverse effects of scale buildup and prolong their life and performance with the new ProSoft™ Saltless Water Softener System from ProOne®. A revolutionary concept in scale prevention designed to work in conjunction with the ProOne® HOME system. A excellent saltless alternative to conventional ion exchange based water softeners, reverse osmosis or salt or chemical based systems. Cost effective and environmentally friendly without the use of salt - no need to lug heavy bags of salt around. The ProOne ProSoft saltless water softener system helps condition water and prevent scaling by neutralizing magnesium and calcium rather than removing. The neutralizing process converts magnesium and calcium into micro-crystals and allows these beneficial minerals to pass through your pipes and household water outlet appliances without sticking to them.


Q: Why would I buy a ProSoft™ Saltless Softener/Conditioner?

A: Here are the advantages of the new ProSoft™ saltless water conditioner/softener system from ProOne®:


  • NO salt or harsh chemicals required

  • NO backwashing required

  • Good up to 100,000 gallons per year*

  • Virtually maintenance free

  • NO chemicals discharged into environment

  • NO electricity required

  • NO control valve required

  • Easy to refill tank

  • Compact size 7” x 17”

  • 3/4" inlet & outlet port size

  • Easy to install

  • Flow rated at 7gpm

  • Includes (2) 3/4" push fit connectors


* Based on water hardness of less than 25 grains.



Q: Do you have installation instructions for my plumber or my water filter?

A: Yes, please see our water filter installation section HERE.




F.A.Q. ProOne®

Gravity (Drip) Filters
Inline Filter
Countertop / Under Counter
Home Filter System
Home Salt-less Conditioner
ProOne Water Filters Fractal Life
ProOneG20 Filter
Before After Cleaning Propur ProOne filter

Filter Pitcher Comparison Chart


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