Fractal Life Solutions
What is a fractal and why the name Fractal Life?
"Fractal Life" quickly summarizes the intention behind this company and my journey. In short terms, fractal physics (fractality) encompass all physics as a working whole (including all anamolies from classic physics), and thus an understanding of how life persists and leading to extension of healthy life, now!
So now we have wiser choices for health and living on this planet, even during these apparent chaotic times on the planet in 2020. These wiser enhancements are human inspired and technology driven to match the nature of this reality. Nature is benevolent to itself when one studies the Nature of physics and the Nature of time (which is not just linear calendar-based and in the book by Eric Julian called "The Science of Extraterrestrials").

English Dictionary definition
fractal (frak-tl)
— n
1. a figure or surface generated by successive subdivisions of a simpler polygon or polyhedron, according to some iterative process.
— adj
2. of, relating to, or involving such a process: fractal geometry ; fractal curve.
Wikipedia entry
A fractal is "a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole,"[1] a property called self-similarity...
A mathematical fractal is based on an equation that undergoes iteration, a form of feedback based on recursion.[2]
Life is the experience that we all share in this reality. We can enhance this beautiful existence in harmony with Nature, and is the reason for titling this project Fractal Life. Respecting Nature's fractality may allow us to enhance our personal reality of life (consciousness) to our choosing. In a sense, it yields an awareness on levels not previously popular on this planet. Now we have an all encompassing unified field of this reality to utilize and enhance the entire planet and the consciousness surrounding it- all life around it.
The scientists behind the technology on this website completely support this fractal unified field, and inspired the title The Fractal Life (Fractal Life Solutions).

Why did you start with water products?
I was drawn to water and technology for intra-cellular hydration in 2006. I realized that water is the basis of information transfer in more ways than I previously understood... specifically in biology! Water contains the nutritional memory analogue waveform for nutrients that go into our cells! Fascinating!
The cells do not want nutrition in metallic/atomic form, only in the analogue waveform memory of water! This is the basis of our human/animal biological workings. Thus this study felt very important for me to spread the most accurate information. So getting the best water technology, which began around 2006-2007, seemed to be the best starting point. And yes, I plan to expand this website, the company, the research, and the intention behind it to Enhance Life.
What is high-spin water and structured water?
When we refer to the words "structured water" on this website, it is meant as follows:
Water that displays quicker speeds of proper intra-cellular hydration in biological cells (plants, animals, humans, etc), displays coherent energy patterns shifts biology to a more coherent or balanced state, and scientifically has a different (wider) hydrogen-oxygen electron sharing bonding angle than average water. Evidence can be found using a Gas Discharge Visulization camera to detect and display biofields. Also kineseology testing can show hydration factors with accuracy. Even photos of frozen ice crystal formations from prayer, ala Dr. Masaru Emoto, is another form of evidence of water's ability to shift in its formation, crystallization, and geometrical relationships with H2O molecules.
Water tends to cluster into geometric relationships in space. They are not individual molecules bumping around. They interact tremendously with one another and everything else around it. No other substance behaves like this.
Why "structured" water?
BJ White, founder, has chosen to enhance his biological system by giving it the best in water technology, such as structuring all water he drinks, showers, bathes, or swims in. This has led down a path of higher energy during the day, less required daily water intake for hydration, chelation, irrigation, detoxification of his body, protection and maintenance from the current human interferance on this planet (EMF from cell phones and computers, toxins in the air, water, ground, and food, including pesticides and genetically modified organisms, and more).
How is water "structured?"
There exists many ways that scientists and physicists change the structure of water. Some use coherent or phase-conjugating magnet arrays (Dan Winter, The Imploder), some use coherent light (Dan Nelson, WayBack Water), and some use the multiple vortex motion to allow water to structure itself (Clayton Nolte, Natural Action Technologies). Water will also entrain other water it is near, for up to a certain point, and thus can structure its neighbors with no further processes on our part (human interaction). Water is super sensative to conditions and has been shown to hold memory of thought-forms, according to some experimenters like Dr. Massaru Emoto (www.hado.net).
Is not all water structured on this planet, though?
Not all waters are the same! According to tests run from natural wells around the planet and even human engineered and filtered waters, none are as hydrating as structured water. Filtered and reverse osmosis (RO) is not structured water, and in fact de-structures water. All water contains some higher structure, but only a small percentage. Good news though!... You can increase the percentage in your water. Founder of Fractal Life, BJ, has chosen to increase the amount of structuring in all the water he intakes, to enhance his biology and life force.
Who supports high-spin state water, "structured" water and the science behind it?
Many scientists are understanding that water is immensely different than we first though it to be. Skeptics to the newly founded properties of water are seeing the once unknown realm as an exciting new reality for us all. There are measuring tools to show the expression of water and it's many abilities. Here is a short list of professors and people that are intimately involved in structured water, fractal physics and fractal time.

Dan Winter
International fractal physics teacher, lecturer, engineer, and inventor.
He invented The Super Imploder water energizer, which enhances water to increase planet growth by 300%, the Triploder, and the Imploder Shower unit. Dan also co-invented plasma field generating Theraphi technology.
Clayton Nolte
Natural Action Technologies
Inventor of the Natural Action Water Structuring Units and
has worked with Dr. Korotkov on the nature of water.

Professor Gerald H. Pollack, PhD
University of Washington
Author and Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Washington, Pollack has influencled scientists all over with authoring books The 4th Phase of Water and Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life.
He leads the group that meets yearly on breakthroughs in water science and technology called the Conference on the Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Water. See http://www.waterconf.org/ for more information.
Full Biography and Credentials:
Dan Nelson
Hyper Physics Research, LLC.
WayBack Water
Astrophysicist and biologist that has found a way to engineer water to hydrate biological cells within 10 seconds- according to litmus tests, where most waters around the world take hours if not days to hydrate biological cells.
Hear his interview with Kim GreenHouse:
See his interview with Adam Abraham here.

"Dehydration, in my opinion, having studied this for over 14 years, dehydration is the biggest issue of all."
-Dan Nelson
Nassim Haramein
The Resonance Project
Director of research at the Resonance Project. Currently Nassim is focused on his most recent developments in quantum gravity and their applications to technology, new energy research, applied resonance, life sciences, permaculture, and consciousness studies.
Dr. John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), ND, DC
Author, Founder of International College of Regenerative MedicineDr. John Apsley is a physician and researcher who for the past 30 years has specialized in the rehabilitation and reversal of chronic degenerative illnesses through accelerated tissue repair and cellular regeneration.
David Wilcock
Author, researcher, lecturer
NY Times Best Seller: The SourceField Investigations,
NY Times Best Seller: The Synchronicity Key
NY Times Best Seller: The Ascension Mysteries
Dr. Konstantin G. Korotkov
Russian Scientist, Inventor of the Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) camera, kirlian photography
Dr. F. Batmanghelidj
Internationally renowned researcher, author and
advocate of the natural healing power of water
Gregg Braden
Internationally renowned author, researcher, and lecturer who wrote Fractal Time in 2010.