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Remote Sessions Now Available!

Book A Body Balance Session

Choose from our list of available technologies:
Solid State Technology (Full Energy Body Coherence Restoration)

Indigo (Full Biofeedback Session)


Solid State Technology Session

This no-electricity biodisk scalar technology utilizes molecular spin + functional geometry which translates to information the body uses, then can heal itself at a much quicker rate, remain healthier and more coherent between all systems of function.


The Solid State Technology Body Coherence & Balance Session uses non-invasive hardware that weighs less than a pound, placed on various parts of the human body's energy system, using scalar waves. There are no needlesno forced body positions, and no electronics involved.


  • Greater results than Body Code, Emotion Code, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Healy, Spooky2, Rife machine and other modalities alone yet it works GREAT in tandem with any of them.

  • Balance entire and all energy systems including all chakras & meridians

  • Boost your immune system coherence

  • No longer will your body ignore bad pathogens that it once did, undoing all of pathogen cloaking biofilm

  • Boost your gut micro-biom coherence

  • Neutralize and chelate the body of heavy metals, unhealthy chemicals, viruses, viral debris, and all toxins

  • Neutralize frequency, vibrational & emotional interference patterns on all organs and systems in the body that block functionality to your DNA energy template

  • Restore coherence of all organs and systems in the body

  • One and done session, with optional addendums

  • Free your body's potential in little over an hour!


Eliminate frequency, vibration & emotion interference patterns from all organs and systems in the body that block functionality to your DNA-Energy template.

SST kit
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INDIGO Biofeedback Sessions

BEMER Session using our Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency (PEMF) technology system. FDA registered medical device (in-person only).

Quantum Biofeedback Session using the
Indigo SCIO System


Pets Love it!


BEMER blood circulation demo

Request a Full Body Coherence Solid State Technology, BEMER, Biodfeedback Session

In-person & Remote Sessions


In-Person: Austin, Texas, USA region

Remote: Anywhere on Earth

Solid State Technology
$125 / Entire Body Coherence Balance Session
$170 / Entire Balance Session + Supplemental Steps
$55 / Supplemental Steps Only


  All 3 Package Deal​ (In-Person Only) 
 / Entire Body Coherence + Supplemental Steps
+ 1 BEMER session (in-person only)
+ Indigo Biofeedback Session


Solid State Technology (in person): 1.5-2 hours
Solid State Technology (remote): 1.5-2 hours
Solid State Technology supplemental steps: 3 to ~20 min. each (# of steps vary per person)
Biodfeedback: ~1.5 hours
BEMER: 8 minutes/day

$15 / session  -  $22 / day

Indigo Biodfeedback Session
$88 / session/person

$88 / remote session/person

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FDA Disclaimer
BEMER is a registered medical device.

This information is intended for educational purposes only.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Anyone suffering from any disease, illness or injury should consult with a physician.

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